Publications | SHOJI

K. C. Hanson, M. A. Gravel, A. Graham, A. Shoji, S. J. Cooke
Sexual variation in fisheries research and management: when does sex matter?
Reviews in Fisheries Science 16, 421-436 (2008)

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A. Shoji, A. J. Gaston
A new longevity record for the ancient murrelets
Marine Ornithology 36, 197-198 (2008)

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A. Shoji, A. J. Gaston
Comparing methods for monitoring nest attendance in ancient murrelets
Waterbirds 33, 260-263 (2010)


K. H. Elliott, A. Shoji, K. Campbell, A. J. Gaston
O2 storage capacity and foraging behavior of two sympatric, planktivorous alcids
Aquatic Biology 8, 221-235 (2010)


A. Shoji, K. H. Elliott, S. Aris-Brosou, D. Crump, A. J. Gaston
Incubation patterns in a central-place forager affect lifetime reproductive success: scaling of patterns from a foraging bout to a lifetime
PLoS ONE 6, e17760 (2011)


A. Shoji, A. Sugiyama, M. A. Brazil
The status and breeding biology of ospreys in Hokkaido, Japan
Condor 113, 762-767 (2011)


A. Shoji, M. Yoneda, A. J. Gaston
Ocean climate variability links incubation behaviour and fitness in ancient murrelets (Synthliboramphus antiquus)
Canadian Journal of Zoology 90, 361-367 (2012)


A. Shoji, K. H. Elliott, K. M. O’Reilly, A. J. Gaston
High corticosterone, not high energy cost, correlates with reproductive success in the burrow-nesting ancient murrelet
PLoS ONE 8, e84280 (2013)


A. Shoji, E. Owen, M. Bolton, B. Dean, H. Kirk, A. Fayet, D. Boyle, R. Freeman, C. Perrins, S. Aris-Brosou, T. Guilford
Flexible foraging strategies in a diving seabird with high flight cost
Marine Biology 161, 2121-2129 (2014)


A. Shoji, K. H. Elliott, S. Aris-Brosou, R. P. Wilson, A. J. Gaston
Predictors of incubation costs in seabirds: an evolutionary perspective
Ibis 157, 44-53 (2015)


A. Shoji, K. H. Elliott, A. Fayet, D. Boyle, C. Perrins, T. Guilford
Foraging behaviour of sympatric razorbills and puffins
Marine Ecology Progress Series 520, 257-267 (2015)


A. Shoji, K. H. Elliott, J. G. Greenwood, L. McClean, K. Leonard, C. Perrins, A. Fayet, T. Guilford
Diving behaviour of benthic feeding black guillemots
Bird Study 62, 217-222 (2015)

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A. Shoji, S. Aris-Brosou, A. Fayet, O. Padget, C. Perrins, T. Guilford
Dual foraging and pair coordination during chick provisioning by Manx shearwaters: empirical evidence supported by a simple model
Journal of Experimental Biology 218, 2116-2123 (2015)


A. Fayet, R. Freeman, A. Shoji, O. Padget, C. M. Perrins, T. Guilford
Lower foraging efficiency in immatures drives spatial segregation with breeding adults in a long-lived pelagic seabird
Animal Behaviour 110, 79-89 (2015)


A. Shoji, A. S. Aris-Brosou, A. Culina, A. Fayet, H. Kirk, O. Padget, I. Juarez-Martinez, D. Boyle, T. Nakata, C. M. Perrins, T. Guilford
Breeding phenology and winter activity predict subsequent breeding success in a trans-global migratory seabird
Biology Letters 11, 20150671 (2015)


B. Dean, H. Kirk, A. Fayet, A. Shoji, R. Freeman, K. Leonard, C. M. Perrins, T. Guilford
Simultaneous multi-colony tracking of a pelagic seabird reveals cross-colony utilization of a shared resource
Marine Ecology Progress Series 538, 239-248 (2015)


A. Fayet, R. Freeman, A. Shoji, D. Boyle, H. Kirk, B. Dean, C. M. Perrins, T. Guilford
Drivers of dispersive in a pelagic seabird, the Atlantic puffin
Behavioral Ecology 27, 1061-1072 (2016)


A. Fayet, R. Freeman, A. Shoji, H. Kirk, O. Padget, C. M. Perrins, T. Guilford
Carry-over effects on the annual cycle of a migratory seabird: an experimental study
Journal of Animal Ecology 85, 1516-1527 (2016)


A. Shoji, E. Owen, M. Bolton, B. Dean, H. Kirk, A. Fayet, D. Boyle, R. Freeman, C. Perrins, S. Aris-Brosou, T. Guilford
Foraging flexibility and search patterns are unlinked during breeding in a free-ranging seabird
Marine Biology 163, 1-10 (2016)


A. Shoji, Aris-Brosou, K. H. Elliott
Physiological constraints scale with body mass during dives in auks: a comparative analysis
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 196, 54-60 (2016)


A. Shoji, B. Dean, H. Kirk, R. Freeman, C. M. Perrins, T. Guilford
The diving behaviour of the Manx shearwater
Ibis 158, 598-606 (2016)


A. Fayet, A. Shoji, R. Freeman, C. M. Perrins, T. Guilford
Within-pair similarity in migration route and female winter foraging effort predict pair breeding performance in a monogamous seabird
Marine Ecology Progress Series 569, 243-252 (2017)


R. Gibb, A. Shoji, A. L. Fayet, C. M. Perrins, T. Guilford, R. Freeman
Remotely-sensed wind speed predicts soaring behaviour in a wide-ranging pelagic seabird
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 14, 20170262 (2017)


E. D. Wakefield, E. Owen, J. Baer, F. Daunt, S. G. Dodd, J. A. Green, T. Guilford, R. Mavor, P. O. Miller, M. Newell, S. F. Newton, G. R. Robertson, A. Shoji, L. M. Soanes, S. Voiter, S. Wanles, M. Bolton
Breeding density, fine-scale tracking and large-scale modelling reveal the regional distribution of four seabird species
Ecological Applications 7, 2074-2091 (2017)


C. Tyson, H. Kirk, A. Fayet, E. E. Van Loon, A. Shoji, B. Dean, C. M. Perrins, T. Guilford
Coordinated provisioning in a dual foraging pelagic seabird
Animal Behaviour 132, 73-79 (2017)


A. L. Fayet, R. Freeman, T. Acker-Nilssen, A. Diamond, K. E. Erikstad, D. Fifield, M. G. Fitzsimmons, E. S. Hansen, M. P. Harris, M. Jessopp, A. Kouwenberg, S. Kress, S. Mowat, C. M. Perrins, A. Peterson, I. K. Petersen, T. K. Reiertsen, G. J. Robertson, P. Shannon, I. A. Sigurðsson, A. Shoji, S. Wanless, T. Guilford
Ocean-wide drivers of migration strategies and their influence on population breeding performance in a declining seabird
Current Biology 27, 3871-3878.e3 (2017)


E. Browning, M. Bolton, E. Owen, A. Shoji, T. Guilford, R. Freeman
Predicting animal behavior using deep learning: GPS data alone accurately predict diving in seabirds
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9, 681-691 (2018)

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S. Oppel, M. Bolton, A. P. B. Carneiro, M. P. Dias, J. A. Green, J. F. Masello, R. A. Phillips, E. Owen, P. Quillfeldt, A. Beard, S. Bertrand, J. Blackburn, P. Dee Boersma, A. Borges, A. C. Broderick, P. Catry, I. Cleasby, E. Clingham, J. Creuwels, S. Crofts, R. J. Cuthbert, H. Dallmeijer, D. Davies, R. Davies, B. J. Dilley, H. A. Dinis, J. Dossa, M. J. Dunn, M. A. Efe, A. L. Fayet, L. Figueiredo, A. P. Frederico, C. Gjerdrum, B. J. Godley, J. P. Granadeiro, T. Guilford, K. C. Hamer, C. Hazin, A. Hedd, L. Henry, M. Hernandez-Montero, J. Hinke, N. Kokubun, E. Leat, L. McFarlane Tranquilla, B. Metzger, T. Militao, G. Montrond, W. Mullie, O. Padget, E. J. Pearmain, I. L. Pollet, K. Putz, F. Quintana, N. Ratcliffe, R. A. Ronconi, P. G. Ryan, S. Saldanha, A. Shoji, J. Sim, C. Small, L. Soanes, A. Takahashi, P. Trathan, W. Trivelpiece, J. Veen, E. Wakefield, N. Weber, S. Weber, L. Zango, F. Daunt, M. Ito, M. P. Harris, M. A. Newell, S. Wanless, J. Gonzalez-Solis, J. Croxall
Spatial scales of marine conservation management for breeding seabirds
Marine Policy 98, 37-46 (2018)

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R. Yamashita, H. Takada, A. Nakazawa, A. Takahashi, M. Ito, T. Yamamoto, Y. Watanabe, N. Kokubun, K. Sato, S. Wanless, F. Daunt, D. Hyrenbach, M. Hester, T. Deguchi, B. Nishizawa, A. Shoji, Y. Watanuki
Global monitoring of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) using seabird preen gland oil
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 75, 545-556 (2018)


A. Van-Tatenhove, A. Fayet, Y. Watanuki, K. Yoda, A. Shoji
Streaked shearwater Calonectris leucomelas moonlight avoidance in response to low aerial predation and effects of wind speed and direction on colony attendance
Marine Ornithology 46, 177-185 (2018)


A. Fayet, M. Shirai, S. Matsumoto, A. Van-Tatenhove, K. Yoda, A. Shoji
Differences in breeding success between neighbouring streaked shearwater subcolonies correlate with egg size and quality of parental care
Ornithological Science 18, 189-195 (2019)


M. F. Guigueno, A. Shoji, K. H. Elliott, S. Aris-Brosou
Flight costs in volant vertebrates: A phylogenetically-controlled meta-analysis of birds and bats
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 235, 193-201 (2019)


A. Shoji, S. Aris-Brosou, K. Elliott, H. Mizukawa, S. Nakayama, Y. Ikenaka, M. Ishizuka, T. Kuwae, K. Watanabe, J. E. Gonzalez, Y. Watanuki
Biotransport of metallic trace elements from marine to terrestrial ecosystems by seabirds
Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 38, 106-114 (2019)


庄子晶子, 杉山淳, 谷日向子, 新妻靖章
日本鳥学会誌 68, 343-347 (2019)


O. Padget, G. Stanley, J. K. Willis, A. Fayet, S. Bond, L. Maurice, A. Shoji, B. Dean, H. Kirk, I. Juarez-Martinez, R. Freeman, M. Bolton, T. Guilford
Shearwaters know the direction and distance home but fail to encode intervening obstacles after free-ranging foraging trips
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116, 21629-21633 (2019)


N. Gillies, A. Fayet, O. Padget, M. Syposz, J. Wynn, S. Bond, J. Evry, H. Kirk, A. Shoji, B. Dean, R. Freeman, T. Guilford
Short-term behavioural impact contrasts with long-term fitness consequences of biologging in a long-lived seabird
Scientific Reports 10, 15056 (2020)


大門純平, 伊藤元裕, 長谷部真, 庄子晶子, 林はるか, 佐藤信彦, 越野陽介, 渡辺謙太, 桑江朝比呂, 綿貫豊
日本鳥学会誌 70, 37-52 (2021)


A. Shoji, K. H. Elliott, Y. Watanuki, N. Basu, S. Whelan, J. Cunningham, S. Hatch, H. Mizukawa, S. M. M. Nakayama, Y. Ikenaka, M. Ishizuka, S. Aris-Brosou
Geolocators link marine mercury with levels in wild seabirds throughout their annual cycle: Consequences for trans-ecosystem biotransport
Environmental Pollution 284, 117035 (2021)

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J. A. Kempton, J. Wynn, S. Bond, J. Evry, A. L. Fayet, N. Gillies, T. Guilford, M. Kavelaars, I. Juarez-Martinez, O. Padget, C. Rutz, A. Shoji, M. Syposz, G. K. Taylor
Optimization of dynamic soaring in a flap-gliding seabird affects its large-scale distribution at sea
Science Advances 8, eabo0200 (2022)


A. Shoji, S. Whelan, J. Cunningham, S. Hatch, Y. Niizuma, C. Nakajima, K. H. Elliott
Ecological niche partitioning in two Pacific puffins
Marine Ecology Progress Series 705, 125-139 (2023)


B. L. Clark*, A. P. B. Carneiro*, E. J. Pearmain*, M.-M. Rouyer, T. A. Clay, W. Cowger, R. A. Phillips, A. Manica, C. Hazin, M. Eriksen, J. González-Solís, J. Adams, Y. V. Albores-Barajas, J. Alfaro-Shigueto, M. S. Alho, D. T. Araujo, J. M. Arcos, J. P. Y. Arnould, N. J. P. Barbosa, C. Barbraud, A. M. Beard, J. Beck, E. A. Bell, D. G. Bennet, M. Berlincourt, M. Biscoito, O. K. Bjørnstad, M. Bolton, K. A. Booth Jones, J. J. Borg, K. Bourgeois, V. Bretagnolle, J. Bried, J. V. Briskie, M. de L. Brooke, K. C. Brownlie, L. Bugoni, L. Calabrese, L. Campioni, M. J. Carey, R. D. Carle, N. Carlile, A. R. Carreiro, P. Catry, T. Catry, J. G. Cecere, F. R. Ceia, Y. Cherel, C.-Y. Choi, M. Cianchetti-Benedetti, R. H. Clarke, J. B. Cleeland, V. Colodro, B. C. Congdon, J. Danielsen, F. De Pascalis, Z. Deakin, N. Dehnhard, G. Dell'Omo, K. Delord, S. Descamps, B. J. Dilley, H. A. Dinis, J. Dubos, B. J. Dunphy, L. M. Emmerson, A. I. Fagundes, A. L. Fayet, J. J. Felis, J. H. Fischer, A. N. D. Freeman, A. Fromant, G. Gaibani, D. García, C. Gjerdrum, I. Soeli Gonçalves Correia Gomes, M. G. Forero, J. P. Granadeiro, W. J. Grecian, D. Grémillet, T. Guilford, G. T. Hallgrimsson, L. R. Halpin, E. S. Hansen, A. Hedd, M. Helberg, H. H. Helgason, L. M. Henry, Hannah F. R. Hereward, M. Hernandez-Montero, M. A. Hindell, P. J. Hodum, S. Imperio, A. Jaeger, M. Jessopp, P. G. R. Jodice, C. G. Jones, C. W. Jones, J. E. Jónsson, A. Kane, S. Kapelj, Y. Kim, H. Kirk, Y. Kolbeinsson, P. L. Kraemer, L. Krüger, P. Lago, T. J. Landers, J. L. Lavers, M. Le Corre, A. Leal, M. Louzao, J. Madeiros, M. Magalhães, M. L. Mallory, J. F. Masello, B. Massa, S. Matsumoto, F. McDuie, L. McFarlane Tranquilla, F. Medrano, B. J. Metzger, T. Militão, W. A. Montevecchi, R. C. Montone, L. Navarro-Herrero, V. C. Neves, D. G. Nicholls, M. A. C. Nicoll, K. Norris, S. Oppel, D. Oro, E. Owen, O. Padget, V. H. Paiva, D. Pala, J. M. Pereira, C. Péron, M. V. Petry, A. de Pina, A. T. Moreira Pina, P. Pinet, P. A. Pistorius, I. L. Pollet, B. J. Porter, T. A. Poupart, C. D. L. Powell, C. B. Proaño, J. Pujol-Casado, P. Quillfeldt, J. L. Quinn, A. F. Raine, H. Raine, I. Ramírez, J. A. Ramos, R. Ramos, A. Ravache, M. J. Rayner, T. A. Reid, G. J. Robertson, G. J. Rocamora, D. P. Rollinson, R. A. Ronconi, A. Rotger, D. Rubolini, K. Ruhomaun, A. Ruiz, J. C. Russell, P. G. Ryan, S. Sarah, A. Sanz-Aguilar, M. Sardà-Serra, Y. G. Satgé, K. Sato, W. C. Schäfer, S. Schoombie, S. A. Shaffer, N. Shah, A. Shoji, D. Shutler, I. A. Sigurðsson, M. C. Silva, A. E. Small, C. Soldatini, H. Strøm, C. A. Surman, A. Takahashi, V. R. V. Tatayah, G. A. Taylor, R. J. Thomas, D. R. Thompson, P. M. Thompson, T. L. Thórarinsson, D. Vicente-Sastre, E. Vidal, E. D. Wakefield, S. M. Waugh, H. Weimerskirch, H. U. Wittmer, T. Yamamoto, K. Yoda, C. B. Zavalaga, F. J. Zino, M. P. Dias
Global assessment of marine plastic exposure risk for oceanic birds
Nature Communications 14, 3665 (2023)


M. Sozzoni, J. Ferrer Obiol, G. Formenti, A. Tigano, J. R. Paris, J. R. Balacco, N. Jain, T. Tilley, J. Collins, Y. Sims, J. Wood, Z Morgan Benowitz-Fredericks, K. A. Field, E. Seyoum, M. Claire Gatt, D.-J. Léandri-Breton, C. Nakajima, S. Whelan, L. Gianfranceschi, S. A. Hatch, K. H. Elliott, A. Shoji, J. G. Cecere, E. D. Jarvis, A. Pilastro, D. Rubolini
A Chromosome-level Reference genome for the black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla), a declining circumpolar seabird
Genome Biology and Evolution 15, evad153 (2023)


L. Marcouillier, E. Miranda, S. Whelan, D. Fifield, S. Hatch, A. Shoji, C. Nakajima, K. H. Elliott
PIT tagging does not measurably reduce reproductive success in sensitive burrow-nesting seabirds
Marine Biology 171, 77 (2024)


P. Tremolada, F. Saliu, A. Winkler, C. P. Carniti, M. Castelli, M. Lasagni, S. Andò, D.-J. Leandri-Breton, M. Claire Gatt, J. Ferrer Obiol, M. Parolini, C. Nakajima, S. Whelan, A. Shoji, S. A. Hatch, K. H. Elliott, J. G. Cecere, D. Rubolini
Indigo-dyed cellulose fibers and synthetic polymers in surface-feeding seabird chick regurgitates from the Gulf of Alaska
Marine Pollution Bulletin 203, 116401 (2024)


I. R. Cleasby, E. Owen, A. Butler, J. Baer, J. Blackburn, M. I. Bogdanova, T. Coledale, F. Daunt, S. Dodd, J. C. Evans, J. A. Green, T. Guilford, M. P. Harris, R. Hughes, M. A. Newell, S. F. Newton, G. S. Robertson, L. Ruffino, A. Shoji, L. M. Soanes, S. C. Votier, E. D. Wakefield, S. Wanless, L. J. Wilson, M. Bolton
Assessing the importance of individual- and colony-level variation when using seabird foraging ranges as impact assessment and conservation tools
Ibis 166, 871-895 (2024)
