Publications | YODA

A long time ago, at the very tail-end of the last century, in Japan....

K. Yoda*, K. Sato, Y. Niizuma, M. Kurita, C. A. Bost, Y. Le Maho, Y. Naito
Precise monitoring of porpoising behaviour of Adelie penguins determined using acceleration data loggers
Journal of Experimental Biology 202, 3121-3126 (1999)

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Y. Mori*, K. Yoda, K. Sato
Defining dive bouts using a sequential differences analysis
Behaviour, 138, 1451-1466 (2001)

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K. Yoda*, Y. Naito, K. Sato, A. Takahashi, J. Nishikawa, Y. Ropert-Coudert, M. Kurita, Y. Le Maho
A new technique for monitoring the behaviour of free-ranging Adelie penguins
Journal of Experimental Biology 204, 685-690 (2001)
Cover Article


T. Kura* & K. Yoda
Can voluntary nutritional gifts in seminal flow evolve?
Journal of Ethology, 19, 9-15 (2001)


K. Yoda* & Y. Ropert-Coudert
A short note on an Adelie penguin feeding its own mate
Polar Biology, 25, 868-869 (2002)


K. Yoda* & Y. Ropert-Coudert
Decision-rules for leaping Adelie penguins
Journal of Zoology, 263, 1-5 (2004)
Cover Article


K. Yoda*, H. Kohno, Y. Naito
Development of flight performance in the brown booby
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 271, S240-S242 (2004)


Y. Ropert-Coudert*, R. P. Wilson, K. Yoda, A. Kato
Assessing performance constraints in penguins with externally-attached devices
Marine Ecology Progress Series 333, 281-289 (2007)


K. Yoda*, H. Kohno, Y. Naito
Ontogeny of plunge diving behavior in brown boobies: application of a data logging technique to hand-raised seabirds
Deep Sea Research Part II 54, 321-329 (2007)


K. Yoda* & Y. Ropert-Coudert
Temporal changes in activity budgets of chick-rearing Adelie penguins
Marine Biology 151, 1951-1957 (2007)


K. Yoda* & H. Kohno
Plunging behavior in the chick-rearing brown booby
Ornithological Science 7, 5-13 (2008)


T. Yamamoto*, A. Takahashi, K. Yoda, N. Katsumata, S. Watanabe, K. Sato, P. N. Trathan
The lunar cycle affects at-sea behaviour in a pelagic seabird
Animal Behaviour 76, 1647-1652 (2008)


動物たちの不思議に迫るバイオロギング (2009)
[から購入] [京都通信社から購入]
表紙写真 by 依田


Y. Inoue*, K. Yoda, H. Fujii, H. Kuroki, Y. Niizuma
Nest intrusion and infanticidal attack on nestlings in great cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo: why do adults attack conspecific chicks?
Journal of Ethology 28, 221-230 (2010)
Video Article filmed by Yoda


高橋晃周* & 依田憲
Advances in biologging science: a review of bird studies
日本鳥学会誌 59, 3-19 (2010)
Free PDF (in Japanese with English abstract)


K. Yoda*, M. Murakoshi, K. Tsutsui, H. Kohno
Social interactions of juvenile brown boobies at sea as observed with animal-borne video cameras
PLoS ONE 6, e19602 (2011)
With movie filmed by brown booby


地球からのおくりもの (2011)


H. Kohno & K. Yoda*
The development of activity range in the juvenile brown boobies Sula leucogaster
Ibis 153, 611-615 (2011)


C. Zavalaga*, G. Dell’Omo, P. Becciu, K. Yoda
Patterns of GPS tracks suggest nocturnal foraging of incubating Peruvian pelicans (Pelecanus thagus)
PLoS ONE 6, e19966 (2011)


K. Shiomi*, K. Yoda, N. Katsumata, K. Sato
Temporal-tuning of homeward flights in seabirds
Animal Behaviour 83, 355-359 (2012)


依田憲『移動・どこに住むか』、行動生態学(シリーズ 現代の生態学 5)、日本生態学会編、共立出版 (2012)
表紙写真(アオアシカツオドリ) by 依田


M. Shirai*, M. Yamamoto, N. Ebine, T. Yamamoto, P. N. Trathan, K. Yoda, N. Oka, Y. Niizuma
Basal and field metabolic rates of Streaked Shearwater during chick-rearing period
Ornithological Science 11, 47-55 (2012)


P.W. Robinson*, D. P. Costa, D. Crocker, J. P. Gallo-Reynoso, C. Champagne, M. Fowler, C. Goetsch, K. Goetz, J. L. Hassrick, L. A. Huckstadt, C. Kuhn, J. Maresh, S. M. Maxwell, B. McDonald, S. Peterson, S. E. Simmons, N. M. Teutschel, S. Villegas-Amtmann, K. Yoda
Foraging behavior and success of a mesopelagic predator in the northeast Pacific Ocean: insights from a data-rich species, the northern elephant seal
PLoS ONE 7, e36728 (2012)


M. Shirai*, M. Ito, K. Yoda, Y. Niizuma
Applicability of the doubly labelled water method to the rhinoceros auklet, Cerorhinca monocerata
Biology Open 1, 1141-1145 (2012)


生物多様性〜子どもたちにどう伝えるか (2012)


K. Yoda*, N. Tomita, Y. Mizutani, A. Narita, Y. Niizuma
Spatio-temporal responses of black-tailed gulls to natural and anthropogenic food resources
Marine Ecology Progress Series 466, 249-259 (2012)


I.K. Shimatani*, K. Yoda, N. Katsumata, K. Sato
Toward the quantification of a conceptual framework for movement ecology using circular statistical modeling
PLoS ONE 7, e50309 (2012)


K. Yoda*, T. Tajima, S. Sasaki, K. Sato, Y. Niizuma
Influence of local wind conditions on the flight speed of the great cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo
International Journal of Zoology, Article ID 187102 (2012)


S. Kimura*, T. Akamatsu, D. Wang, S. Li, K. Wang, K. Yoda
Variation in the production rate of biosonar signals in freshwater porpoises
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 133, 3128-3134 (2013)


A. Ito, R. Yamashita, H. Takada, T. Yamamoto, K. Shiomi, C. Zavalaga, T. Abe, S. Watanabe, M. Yamamoto, K. Sato, H. Kohno, K. Yoda, T. Iida, Y. Watanuki*
Contaminants in tracked seabirds showing regional patterns of marine pollution
Environmental Science & Technology 47, 7862-7867 (2013)


Y. Mizutani*, N. Tomita, Y. Niizuma, K. Yoda
Environmental perturbations influence telomere dynamics in long-lived birds in their natural habitat
Biology Letters 9, 20130511 (2013)


4項目執筆、東京化学同人 (2013)


M. Shirai*, M. Ito, K. Yoda, Y. Niizuma
Basal metabolic rate of the rhinoceros auklet Cerorhinca monocerata, as measured using respirometry
Marine Ornithology 41, 151-153 (2013)


塩崎達也*, 白井正樹, 大杉雅人, 山本麻希, 依田憲
Predation by Feral Cat on chicks of Streaked Shearwater on Awashima Island
日本鳥学会誌 63, 75-78 (2014)
Movie on YouTube


K. Yoda*, K. Shiomi, K. Sato
Foraging spots of streaked shearwaters in relation to ocean surface currents as identified using their drift movements
Progress in Oceanography 122, 54-64 (2014)


山本誉士*, 河野裕美, 水谷晃, 依田憲
Nest structure and breeding population estimation of streaked shearwaters Calonectris leucomelas on Nakanokamishima
山階鳥類学雑誌 46, 67-81 (2015)


M. Ogawa, T. Shiozaki, M. Shirai, M.S. Muller, M. Yamamoto, K. Yoda*
How do biparental species optimally provision young when begging is honest?
Behavioral Ecology 26, 885-899 (2015)


A. Gomez-Laich*, K. Yoda, C. Zavalaga, F. Quintana
Selfies of Imperial cormorants (Phalacrocorax atriceps): What is happening underwater?
PLOS ONE 10, e0136980 (2015)


M. Shirai*, Y. Niizuma, M. Yamamoto, E. Oda, N. Ebine, N. Oka, K. Yoda
High levels of isotope elimination improve precision and allow individual-based measurements of metabolic rates in animals using the doubly labeled water method
Physiological Reports 3, e12552 (2015)


Y. Miyazawa*, X. Guo, S. M. Varlamov, T. Miyama, K. Yoda, K. Sato, T. Kano, K. Sato
Assimilation of the seabird and ship drift data in the north-eastern sea of Japan into an operational ocean nowcast/forecast system
Scientific Reports 5, 17672 (2015)


T. Yamamoto*, H. Kohno, A. Mizutani, K. Yoda, S. Matsumoto, R. Kawabe, S. Watanabe, N. Oka, K. Sato, M. Yamamoto, H. Sugawa, K. Karino, K. Shiomi, Y. Yonehara, A. Takahashi
Geographical variation in body size of a pelagic seabird, the streaked shearwater Calonectris leucomelas
Journal of Biogeography 43, 801-808 (2016)


S. Kimura*, T. Akamatsu, L. Fang, Z. Wang, K. Wang, D. Wang, K. Yoda
Apparent source level of free-ranging humpback dolphin, Sousa chinensis, in the South China Sea
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 96, 845-851 (2016)


A. Carravieri, M. Muller*, K. Yoda, S. Hayama, M. Yamamoto
Dominant parasympathetic modulation of heart rate and heart rate variability in a wild-caught seabird
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 89, 263-276 (2016)


Y. Yonehara*, Y. Goto, K. Yoda, Y. Watanuki, L.C. Young, H. Weimerskirch, C. A. Bost, K. Sato
Flight paths of seabirds soaring over the ocean surface enable measurement of fine-scale wind speed and direction
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113, 9039-9044 (2016)


S. Matsumoto*, T. Yamamoto, R. Kawabe, S. Ohshimo, K. Yoda
The Changjiang River discharge affects the distribution of foraging seabirds
Marine Ecology Progress Series 555, 273-277 (2016)


バイオロギング2 動物たちの知られざる世界を探る
分担執筆、バイオロギング研究会編、京都通信社 (2016)
表紙写真 by 依田


Y. Mizutani*, Y. Niizuma, K. Yoda
How do growth and sibling competition affect telomere dynamics in the first month of life of long-lived seabird?
PLOS ONE 11, e0167261 (2016)


T. Yamamoto*, H. Kohno, A. Mizutani, H. Sato, H. Yamagishi, Y. Fujii, M. Murakoshi, K. Yoda
Effect of wind on the flight of Brown Booby fledglings
Ornithological Science 16, 17-22 (2017)


S. Matsumoto*, T. Yamamoto, M. Yamamoto, C. B. Zavalaga, K. Yoda
Sex-related differences in the foraging movement of Streaked Shearwaters Calonectris leucomelas breeding on Awashima Island in the Sea of Japan
Ornithological Science 16, 23-32 (2017)


K. Yoda*, T. Shiozaki, M. Shirai, S. Matsumoto, M. Yamamoto
Preparation for flight: pre-fledging exercise time is correlated with growth and fledging age in burrow-nesting seabirds
Journal of Avian Biology 48, 881-886 (2017)


M. Muller*, A. L. Vyssotski, M. Yamamoto, K. Yoda
Heart rate variability reveals that a decrease in parasympathetic (‘rest-and-digest’) activity dominates autonomic stress responses in a free-living seabird
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology-Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 212, 117-126 (2017)


Y. Goto*, K. Yoda, K. Sato
Asymmetry hidden in birds’ tracks reveals wind, heading, and orientation ability over the ocean
Science Advances 3, e1700097 (2017)


J.-B. Thiebot*, J. P. Y. Arnould, A. Gomez-Laich, K. Ito, A. Kato, T. Mattern, H. Mitamura, T. Noda, T. Poupart, F. Quintana, T. Raclot, Y. Ropert-Coudert, J. E. Sala, P. J. Seddon, G. J. Sutton, K. Yoda, A. Takahashi
Jellyfish and other gelata as food to four penguin species - insights from predator-borne videos
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 15, 437-441 (2017)


K. Yoda*, T. Yamamoto, H. Suzuki, S. Matsumoto, M. Muller, M. Yamamoto
Compass orientation drives naïve pelagic seabirds to cross mountain ranges
Current Biology 27, R1152-1153 (2017)


H. Kohno*, T. Yamamoto, A. Mizutani, M. Murakoshi, K. Yoda
Breeding phenology and chick growth in the brown booby Sula leucogaster (Sulidae) on Nakanokamishima, Japan
Ornithological Science 17, 87-93 (2018)


B. Nishizawa*, T. Sugawara, L. C. Young, E. A. Vanderwerf, K. Yoda, Y. Watanuki
Albatross-borne loggers show feeding on deep-sea squids: implications for the study of squid distributions
Marine Ecology Progress Series 592, 257-265 (2018)


Bio-logging and navigation of marine animals
動物心理学研究 68, 49-56 (2018)


綿貫豊*, 山本裕, 佐藤真弓, 山本誉士, 依田憲, 高橋晃周
Using seabirds to delineate Ecologically or Biologically Significant marine Areas in offshore pelagic waters
日本生態学会誌 68, 81-99 (2018)


A. Gomez-Laich*, K. Yoda, F. Quintana
Insights into the foraging behavior of Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus)
Waterbirds 41, 332-336 (2018)


島の鳥類学〜南西諸島の鳥をめぐる自然史〜、分担執筆、 海游舎(2018)


T. Hirakawa*, T. Yamashita, T. Tamaki, H. Fujiyoshi, Y. Umezu, I. Takeuchi, S. Matsumoto, K. Yoda
Can AI predict animal movements? Filling gaps in animal trajectories using inverse reinforcement learning
Ecosphere 9, e02447 (2018)


A. Van Tatenhove*, A. Fayet, Y. Watanuki, K. Yoda, A. Shoji
Streaked shearwater Calonectris leucomelas moonlight avoidance in response to low aerial predation pressure, and effects of wind speed and direction on colony attendance
Marine Ornithology 46, 177-185 (2018)


M. S. Muller*, A. L. Vyssotski, M. Yamamoto, K. Yoda
Individual differences in heart rate reveal a broad range of autonomic phenotypes in a free-living seabird population
Journal of Experimental Biology 221, jeb182758 (2018)


T. Yamamoto*, K. Yoda, G. S. Blanco, F. Quintana
Female-biased stranding in Magellanic penguins
Current Biology 29, R12-13 (2019)


旅する動物図鑑 3. 海の生きもの、分担執筆、 筑摩書房(2019)


K. Yoda*
Advances in bio-logging techniques and their application to study navigation in wild seabirds
Advanced Robotics 33, 108-117 (2019)


I. Ardakani*, K. Hashimoto, K. Yoda
Context-based semantical vector representations for animal trajectories
Advanced Robotics 33, 118-133 (2019)


T. Sakuma*, K. Nishi, K. Kishimoto, K. Nakagawa, M. Karasuyama, Y. Umezu, S. Kajioka, S. J. Yamazaki, K. D. Kimura, S. Matsumoto, K. Yoda, M. Fukutomi, H. Shidara, H. Ogawa, I. Takeuchi
Efficient learning algorithm for sparse subsequence pattern-based classification and applications to comparative animal trajectory data analysis
Advanced Robotics 33, 134-152 (2019)


A. L. Fayet*, M. Shirai, S. Matsumoto, A. V. Tatenhove, K. Yoda, A. Shoji
Differences in breeding success among neighbouring subcolonies correlate with egg size and quality of parental care
Ornithological Science 18, 189-195 (2019)


H. Kohno*, A. Mizutani, K. Yoda, T. Yamamoto
Movements and activity characteristics of the brown booby Sula leucogaster during the non-breeding period
Marine Ornithology 47, 169-174 (2019)


K. Shiomi*, K. Sato, N. Katsumata, K. Yoda
Temporal and spatial determinants of route selection in homing seabirds
Behaviour 156, 1165-1183 (2019)


S. J. Yamazaki, K. Ohara, K. Ito, N. Kokubun, T. Kitanishi, D. Takaichi, Y. Yamada, Y. Ikejiri, F. Hiramatsu, K. Fujita, Y. Tanimoto, A. Yamazoe-Umemoto, K. Hashimoto, K. Sato, K. Yoda, A. Takahashi, Y. Ishikawa, A. Kamikouchi, S. Hiryu, T. Maekawa, K. D. Kimura*
A hybrid versatile method for state estimation and feature extraction from the trajectory of animal behavior
Frontiers in Neuroscience 13, 626 (2019)


バイオロギング〜鳥の背から見える景色(w/ 菅原貴徳, 木下千尋BIRDER2018.4-2020.3:山を越えるオオミズナギドリ・鳥の見る世界を観る・鳥類のナビゲーション・アデリーペンギンの一年・ハシブトウミガラスと海の環境変化・とあるカワウの生活・小さな鳥の大きな移動・コウモリが”音で見る”世界・カツオドリの成長物語・環境について鳥に教えてもらう・鳥の体内で起こっていること・マユグロアホウドリとシャチの関係・飛翔の練習をする雛・人工知能で鳥の行き先を予測する・非繁殖期の移動を追う・南米の海鳥に出会う旅・鳥とカメと体温・八戸市とともに生きるウミネコ・死を確認する・マンクスミズナギドリが降る島で・「リアル」を求めて・「宇宙」から見た鳥・バイオロギングで守る・バイオロギングから見える景色/2022.8:ペンギンの背から見える景色■


T. Maekawa*, K. Ohara, Y. Zhang, M. Fukutomi, S. Matsumoto, K. Matsumura, H. Shidara, S. Yamazaki, R. Fujisawa, K. Ide, N. Nagaya, K. Yamazaki, S. Koike, T. Miyatake, K. Kimura, H. Ogawa, S. Takahashi, K. Yoda
Deep learning-assisted comparative analysis of animal trajectories with DeepHL
Nature Communications 11, 5316 (2020)


J. Korpela, H. Suzuki, S. Matsumoto, Y. Mizutani, M. Samejima, T. Maekawa*, J. Nakai, K. Yoda
Machine learning enables improved runtime and precision for bio-loggers on seabirds
Communications Biology 3, 633 (2020)


T. Abe*, N. Kubo, K. Abe, H. Suzuki, K. Yoda, R. Tadakuma, Y. Tsumaki
Study on hypercompact and lightweight data logger separators for wild animals
Advanced Robotics 35, 81-92 (2021)


K. Yoda*, M. Okumura, H. Suzuki, S. Matsumoto, S. Koyama, M. Yamamoto
Annual variations in the migration routes and survival of pelagic seabirds over mountain ranges
Ecology 102, e03297 (2021)


水谷友一*, 鈴木宏和, 前川卓也, Joseph Korpela, 宮竹貴久, 越山洋三, 依田憲
Capture of flying insects by Black-tailed Gulls Larus crassirostris over inland and offshore areas
日本鳥学会誌 70, 53-60 (2021)


S. Takahashi*, T. Hombe, R. Takahashi, K. Ide, S. Okamoto, K. Yoda, T. Kitagawa, Y. Makiguchi
Wireless logging of extracellular neuronal activity in the telencephalon of free-swimming salmonids
Animal Biotelemetry 9, 9 (2021)


K. Yoda*
Pelagic seabirds risk their lives to fly over mountains
Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 102, e01867 (2021)


T. Abe*, N. Kubo, K. Abe, H. Suzuki, Y. Mizutani, K. Yoda, R. Tadakuma, Y. Tsumaki
Development of data logger separator for bio-logging of wild seabirds
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics 33, 446-456 (2021)


生物のナビゲーションに学ぶ、新学術領域生物ナビゲーションのシステム科学監修、生物の科学 遺伝(NTS)、分担執筆(2021)


山本誉士*, 井出貴彦, 中山宏幸, 下村幸治, 上野将志, 久田治信, 棚田麻美, 柿崎智広, 高嶋悠加里, 依田憲
A preliminary study to monitor behavior of zoo animals using an acceleration data logger
動物園水族館雑誌 63, 51-65 (2021)


M. Del Cano, F. Quintana, K. Yoda, G. Dell’Omo, G. S. Blanco, A. Gomez-Laich*
Fine-scale body and head movements allow to determine prey capture events in the Magellanic penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus)
Marine Biology 168, 84 (2021)


B. Nishizawa*, J.-B. Thiebot, F. Sato, N. Tomita, K. Yoda, R. Yamashita, H. Takada, Y. Watanuki
Mapping marine debris encountered by albatrosses tracked over oceanic waters
Scientific Reports 11, 10944 (2021)


Y. Tian, T. Maekawa*, J. Korpela, D. Amagata, T. Hara, S. Matsumoto, K. Yoda
Automatic identification of differences in behavioral co-occurrence between groups
Animal Biotelemetry 9, 21 (2021)


S. Koyama*, Y. Mizutani, K. Yoda
Exhausted with foraging: foraging behavior is related to oxidative stress in chick-rearing seabirds
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology-Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 258, 110984 (2021)


R. M. Gunner*, M. D. Holton, M. D. Scantlebury, L. van Schalkwyk, H. M. English, H. J. Williams, P. Hopkins, F. Quintana, A. Gomez-Laich, L. Borger, J. Redcliffe, K. Yoda, T. Yamamoto, S. Ferreira, D. Govender, P. Viljoen, A. Bruns, S. H. Bell, N. Marks, N. C. Bennet, M. H. Tonini, C. M. Duarte, M. C. van Rooyen, M. F. Bertelsen, C. J. Tambling, R. P. Wilson
Dead-reckoning animal movements in R - A reappraisal using Gundog.Tracks
Animal Biotelemetry 9, 23 (2021)


T. Okamura*, Y. Akune, T. Mori, T. Morisaka, W. Otomo, I. Wakabayashi, S. Watanabe, K. Yoda
Contribution of flippers and dorsal fins to the lateral/directional inherent stability during straight-line swimming in small cetaceans
Journal of Zoology 315, 165-174 (2021)
Cover Article


R. M. Gunner*, M. D. Holton, M. D. Scantlebury, P. Hopkins, E. L. C. Shepard, A. J. Fell, B. Garde, F. Quintana, A. Gomez-Laich, K. Yoda, T. Yamamoto, H. English, S. Ferreira, D. Govender, P. Viljoen, A. Bruns, O. L. van Schalkwyk, N. C. Cole, V. Tatayah, L. Borger, J. Redcliffe, S. H. Bell, N. J. Marks, N. C. Bennett, M. H. Tonini, H. J. Williams, C. M. Duarte, M. C. van Rooyen, M. F. Bertelsen, C. J. Tambling, R. P. Wilson
How often should dead-reckoned animal movement paths be corrected for drift?
Animal Biotelemetry 9, 43 (2021)


K. Takeuchi*, M. Imaizumi, S. Kanda, Y. Tabei, K. Fujii, K. Yoda, M. Ishihata, T. Maekawa
Frechet kernel for trajectory data analysis
ACM SIGSPATIAL'21, 221-224 (2021)


K. Fujii*, N. Takeishi, K. Tsutsui, E. Fujioka, N. Nishiumi, R. Tanaka, M. Fukushiro, K. Ide, H. Kohno, K. Yoda, S. Takahashi, S. Hiryu, Y. Kawahara
Learning interaction rules from multi-animal trajectories via augmented behavioral models
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 34, 11108-11122 (2021)


A. Gomez-Laich*, C. Pantano, R. P. Wilson, W. Svagelj, K. Yoda, R. Gunner, F. Quintana
Leg rings impact the diving performance of a foot-propelled diver
Ibis 164, 118-131 (2022)


S. S. Kimura*, T. Sagara, K. Yoda, L. S. Ponnampalam
Acoustic identification of the sympatric species Indo-Pacific finless porpoise and Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin: an example from Langkawi, Malaysia
Bioacoustics 31, 545-561 (2022)


R. P. Wilson*, M. D. Holton, A. Neate, M. Del Cano, F. Quintana, K. Yoda, A. Gomez-Laich
Luck and tactics in foraging success: the case of the imperial shag
Marine Ecology Progress Series 682, 1-12 (2022)


S. Takahashi*, T. Hombe, S. Matsumoto, K. Ide, K. Yoda*
Head direction cells in a migratory bird prefer north
Science Advances 8, eabl6848 (2022)


Y. Goto*, K. Yoda, H. Weimerskirch, K. Sato
How did extinct giant birds and pterosaurs fly? A comprehensive modeling approach to evaluate soaring performance
PNAS Nexus 1, pgac023 (2022)


S. S. Kimura*, T. Sagara, K. Yoda, L. S. Ponnampalam
Habitat preference of two sympatric coastal cetacean species in Langkawai, Malaysia, as determined by passive acoustic monitoring
Endangered Species Research 48, 199-209 (2022)


K. Krishnan*, B. Garde, A. Bennison, N. C. Cole, E.-L. Cole, J. Darby, K. H. Elliott, A. Fell, A. Gomez-Laich, S. de Grissac, M. Jessopp, E. Lempidakis, Y. Mizutani, A. Prudor, M. Quetting, F. Quintana, H. Robotka, A. Roulin, P. G. Ryan, K. Schalcher, S. Schoombie, V. Tatayah, F. Tremblay, H. Weimerskirch, S. Whelan, M. Wikelski, K. Yoda, A. Hedenstrom, E. L. C. Shepard
The role of wingbeat frequency and amplitude in flight power
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 19: 20220168 (2022)


E. Lempidakis*, E. L. C. Shepard*, A. N. Ross, S. Matsumoto, S. Koyama, I. Takeuchi, K. Yoda
Pelagic seabirds reduce risk by flying into the eye of the storm
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119, e2212925119 (2022)


D. Muramatsu*, L. V. Vidal, E. R. Costa, K. Yoda, T. Yabe, M. Gordo
Low-cost thermoregulation of wild sloths revealed by heart rate and temperature loggers
Journal of Thermal Biology 110, 103387 (2022)


M. Sakao, T. Hamabata, K. Sato, S. Watanabe, K. Yoda, K. Shiomi*
Absence of genetic structure among streaked shearwaters Calonectris leucomelas breeding in Japan, despite limited dispersal events
Ornithological Science 22, 111-121 (2023)


渡辺伸一*, 野田琢嗣, 小泉拓也, 依田憲, 吉田誠, 岩田高志, 西澤秀明, 奥山隼一, 青木かがり, 木村里子, 坂本健太郎, 高橋晃周, 前川卓也, 楢崎友子, 三田村啓理, 佐藤克文
Biologging intelligent Platform (BiP)により実現するバイオロギングデータの共有と海洋の可視化
Data sharing and ocean visualization realized by Biologging intelligent Platform (BiP) (Non-peer-reviewed)
日本生態学会誌 73, 9-22 (2023)
Cover Article


M. Beal*, P. Catry, R. A. Phillips, S. Oppel, J. P. Y. Arnould, M. I. Bogdanova, M. Bolton, A. P. B. Carneiro, C. Clatterbuck, M. Conners, F. Daunt, K. Delord, K. Elliott, A. Fromant, J. P. Granadeiro, J. A. Green, L. Halsey, K. C. Hamer, M. Ito, R. Jeavons, J.-H. Kim, N. Kokubun, S. Koyama, J. V. Lane, W. Y. Lee, S. Matsumoto, R. A. Orben, E. Owen, V. H. Paiva, A. Patterson, C. J. Pollock, J. A. Ramos, P. Sagar, K. Sato, S. A. Shaffer, L. Soanes, A. Takahashi, D. R. Thompson, L. Thorne, L. Torres, Y. Watanuki, S. M. Waugh, H. Weimerskirch, S. Whelan, K. Yoda, J. C. Xavier, M. P. Dias
Quantifying annual spatial consistency in chick-rearing seabirds to inform important site identification
Biological Conservation 281, 109994 (2023)


B. L. Clark*, A. P. B. Carneiro*, E. J. Pearmain*, M.-M. Rouyer, T. A. Clay, W. Cowger, R. A. Phillips, A. Manica, C. Hazin, M. Eriksen, J. González-Solís, J. Adams, Y. V. Albores-Barajas, J. Alfaro-Shigueto, M. S. Alho, D. T. Araujo, J. M. Arcos, J. P. Y. Arnould, N. J. P. Barbosa, C. Barbraud, A. M. Beard, J. Beck, E. A. Bell, D. G. Bennet, M. Berlincourt, M. Biscoito, O. K. Bjørnstad, M. Bolton, K. A. Booth Jones, J. J. Borg, K. Bourgeois, V. Bretagnolle, J. Bried, J. V. Briskie, M. de L. Brooke, K. C. Brownlie, L. Bugoni, L. Calabrese, L. Campioni, M. J. Carey, R. D. Carle, N. Carlile, A. R. Carreiro, P. Catry, T. Catry, J. G. Cecere, F. R. Ceia, Y. Cherel, C.-Y. Choi, M. Cianchetti-Benedetti, R. H. Clarke, J. B. Cleeland, V. Colodro, B. C. Congdon, J. Danielsen, F. De Pascalis, Z. Deakin, N. Dehnhard, G. Dell'Omo, K. Delord, S. Descamps, B. J. Dilley, H. A. Dinis, J. Dubos, B. J. Dunphy, L. M. Emmerson, A. I. Fagundes, A. L. Fayet, J. J. Felis, J. H. Fischer, A. N. D. Freeman, A. Fromant, G. Gaibani, D. García, C. Gjerdrum, I. Soeli Gonçalves Correia Gomes, M. G. Forero, J. P. Granadeiro, W. J. Grecian, D. Grémillet, T. Guilford, G. T. Hallgrimsson, L. R. Halpin, E. S. Hansen, A. Hedd, M. Helberg, H. H. Helgason, L. M. Henry, Hannah F. R. Hereward, M. Hernandez-Montero, M. A. Hindell, P. J. Hodum, S. Imperio, A. Jaeger, M. Jessopp, P. G. R. Jodice, C. G. Jones, C. W. Jones, J. E. Jónsson, A. Kane, S. Kapelj, Y. Kim, H. Kirk, Y. Kolbeinsson, P. L. Kraemer, L. Krüger, P. Lago, T. J. Landers, J. L. Lavers, M. Le Corre, A. Leal, M. Louzao, J. Madeiros, M. Magalhães, M. L. Mallory, J. F. Masello, B. Massa, S. Matsumoto, F. McDuie, L. McFarlane Tranquilla, F. Medrano, B. J. Metzger, T. Militão, W. A. Montevecchi, R. C. Montone, L. Navarro-Herrero, V. C. Neves, D. G. Nicholls, M. A. C. Nicoll, K. Norris, S. Oppel, D. Oro, E. Owen, O. Padget, V. H. Paiva, D. Pala, J. M. Pereira, C. Péron, M. V. Petry, A. de Pina, A. T. Moreira Pina, P. Pinet, P. A. Pistorius, I. L. Pollet, B. J. Porter, T. A. Poupart, C. D. L. Powell, C. B. Proaño, J. Pujol-Casado, P. Quillfeldt, J. L. Quinn, A. F. Raine, H. Raine, I. Ramírez, J. A. Ramos, R. Ramos, A. Ravache, M. J. Rayner, T. A. Reid, G. J. Robertson, G. J. Rocamora, D. P. Rollinson, R. A. Ronconi, A. Rotger, D. Rubolini, K. Ruhomaun, A. Ruiz, J. C. Russell, P. G. Ryan, S. Sarah, A. Sanz-Aguilar, M. Sardà-Serra, Y. G. Satgé, K. Sato, W. C. Schäfer, S. Schoombie, S. A. Shaffer, N. Shah, A. Shoji, D. Shutler, I. A. Sigurðsson, M. C. Silva, A. E. Small, C. Soldatini, H. Strøm, C. A. Surman, A. Takahashi, V. R. V. Tatayah, G. A. Taylor, R. J. Thomas, D. R. Thompson, P. M. Thompson, T. L. Thórarinsson, D. Vicente-Sastre, E. Vidal, E. D. Wakefield, S. M. Waugh, H. Weimerskirch, H. U. Wittmer, T. Yamamoto, K. Yoda, C. B. Zavalaga, F. J. Zino, M. P. Dias
Global assessment of marine plastic exposure risk for oceanic birds
Nature Communications 14, 3665 (2023)


Y. Goto* & K. Yoda
Developments of theories of avian movement strategies in wind and their validation with bio-logging data
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 92, 121006 (2023)


S. Koyama*, Y. Mizutani, S. Matsumoto, K. Yoda
Interannual linkages between oceanographic condition, seabird behaviour, and chick growth from a decadal bio-logging study
Animal Behaviour 209, 63-81 (2024)


K. Tanigaki, R. Otsuka, A. Li, Y. Hatano, Y. Wei, S. Koyama, K. Yoda, T. Maekawa*
Automatic recording of rare behaviors of wild animals using video bio-loggers with on-board light-weight outlier detector
PNAS Nexus 3, pgad447 (2024)


R. Otsuka*, N. Yoshimura, K. Tanigaki, S. Koyama, Y. Mizutani, K. Yoda, T. Maekawa*
Exploring deep learning techniques for wild animal behaviour classification using animal-borne accelerometers
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 15, 716-731 (2024)
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Y. Goto*, H. Weimerskirch, K. Fukaya, K. Yoda, K. Sato
Albatrosses employ orientation and routing strategies similar to yacht racers
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 121, e2312851121 (2024)
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C. De Alwis, K. Yoda, Y. Watanuki, A. Takahashi, K. Watanabe, S. Imura, M. Yamamoto*
Inter-annual, seasonal, and sex differences in the diet of a surface feeding seabird, Streaked Shearwater (Calonectris leucomelas), breeding in the Sea of Japan
Ornithological Science, in press


R. Matsumura, M. Shirai, Y. Mizutani, S. Koyama, W. Takeda, C. Yashiki, M. Fujioka, D. Kobayashi, T. Yamamoto, S. Kasai, K. Yoda, H. Isawa, K. Itoyama*
Survey of tick distribution in two seabird species: the black-tailed gull (Larus crassirostris) and the streaked shearwater (Calonectris leucomelas) colonies on Kabushima, Toshima, and Awashima islands, Japan in 2022
Medical Entomology and Zoology, in press


T. Okamura*, S. Tokunaga, T. Ogawa, K. Yoda
A shortfin mako shark circling a finless porpoise with damaged caudal fin
Ecology and Evolution 14, e70024 (2024)


S. Koyama*, Y. Goto, S. Furukawa, T. Maekawa, K. Yoda
Hidden rivals: the negative impacts of dolphinfish on seabird foraging behavior
Biology Letters 20, 20240223 (2024)


K. Shigeishi, R. Yamashita, K. Tanaka, M. Kazama, N. Sena, H. Takada, Y. Ikenaka, M. Ishizuka, S. Koyama, K. Yoda, Y. Watanuki*
Effects of microplastics in the stomachs of seabird chicks: an experiment using pellets with and without chemical additives
Ornithological Science, in press


D. P. Costa, K. Yoda et al., revision submitted (Aug 16)


Takeda, S. Koyama, Y. Goto, K. Yoda, revision submitted (July 24)


Fujioka, K. Yoda et al. under revision (July 5)


Hoffman, K. Yoda et al. under revision (Aug 19)


Otsuka, K. Yoda et al. submitted (Sep 2)



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